
The difference between needs and wants. I think Ive finally worked it out. A few weeks ago, a very sexy boy left me with this:

"When you realise that you dont need, but want someone; that sweetheart, makes all the difference"

At the time, I shrugged him off. But in retrospect I think I get it. Needing is when your life depends on the other persons, when everything you do seems irrelevant to what they do. But thats unhealthy, obsessive and a huge lie. How can you be so dependent on someone else?

Wouldn't it be better to want? Where what you feel is based only on the fact that you enjoy every aspect of that person- not because you depend on it, but because they genuinely make you happy. Needs and wants. I dont think anyone wants to be needed- thats what children require- they need love, attention, somebody else to care for them, make them feel important.

Shouldn't we, as grown ups [adults, even] want? Want to be happy with someone, want to be with the person because its choice and free will. Not obligation or forced in anyway?

I dont know.

I could be totally screwed, but I want to be wanted.

Not needed.