Supernatural, Guidelines & Boys in Swim-wear

It never fails to amaze me just how many laughs a movie night can bring- even when most of the guests are making bad jokes and terrible ad libs to the onscreen dialogue. Least at my place, these activities occurring regularly mean all is well in my Bubble.

Supernatural all Wednesday and a large chunk of Thursday with two very tall glasses of water = Happy, Happy, Happy Me! What better man is there than Dean Winchester? He saves lives, makes silly faces and maintains a witty and or sarcastic commentary through the entire ordeal. At the end of this post I shall be heading to hell with my best underwear on.

In less than 72hrs I must, must, MUST have two chapters of my as of yet, non-existent thessy* completed. Expanding on the 885 words I can claim right now, shouldnt be too difficult- its just a matter of forcing my fingers to type something that isnt a frivolous waste of time.. Mmhm. So happening.

Small goals have been set [oh! how proud O'Dude would be of me right now!] that allow me a well earned proze for every few thousand words produced or research conducted. Really, you know things are going badly if you have to bribe and con yourself into getting work done.

Its not even that I dont want to write it, its just the first few thousand words are proving incredibly elusive and Ive always hated being forced into strict rules and limits.

Case in point: Speed limits ARE guidelines. They are. Staunch believer that if a sign says '60' you can be 10km above or below that and still be within the framework of proper driving. Its difficult to keep your foot raised above the accelerator and brake at the same time.. so how on Earth will you be able to maintain a strict speed? Exactly. Not happening. Besides, if there is space available shouldnt we all make use of it? Waste not what is scarce, fellow earthlings.

Normally, it is I who makes new friends- by this imagine, a random conversation with strangers who I know of just barely in order to make a new friend eventually. For the first time in years some new being has dared to attempt this with me. In minimal swim wear no less. Lets call this boy El Scarcely Clado (Esc) "friended" me on FB as a common friend- who will be experiencing some fun lovin' torture at my hands at a later date- said I was worth knowing. Flattery aside, am deeply amused and bemused. Hopefully, Esc will be entertaining is months or years to come..

Must, must, must attempt work on Thessy*.

*waltzes to the left of the stage*

*thessy: for all unaware is the name given to my thesis project for this year. Derived from the Loch Ness monster as it has all the promises of being a great myth and legend for many years before it becomes a major pain in the buttocks.. as well as maintaining its monsterly status in my life for the entire period of its existence.. no doubt, it Will return to haunt me.