The End. And all that comes after.

I said goodbye, I even did the whole smile thing with absolutely no tears. I feel I deserve an Oscar. It was definitley the hardest thing Ive done in a long while. Not only did I prove to myself Im capable of fixing things, but I saved Him for once. Not so much from me I think, but from the guilt he'd feel if he had to keep seeing me.

Good deed of the day accomplished, I suppose. Then why does it feel like someone just wiped the pavement with my insides? I guess someone has to feel like crap and Ive taken on that role. He shall be the one who forgets a mistake, but what about Her? I wonder what her role is in all this? Will she be the wronged, or will he discover that she might be a betrayer, too?

Pure speculation there. But it could happen. Or Im just bitter right now and seeing smoke where there isn't any. All in favour of the latter, say 'Aye'.

What happens now? Well, Ive lost one of my best and oldest friends. Being human, and of gray morals I shouldn't see the man till he is married and Im well and truly over him. So, approximately thirty-five years..

That's the end, for now. Tragic, abrupt and fact.

*remove cape, cue the tears*