Jealousy and choking on alibis'

There are now 48 hours between me, a deadline and a death.

Come Wednesday morning, some will be burnt, others removed and some destroyed. Somehow I see myself losing out in each of those scenarios. I think I'll be left to cover the burns, deal with the collateral and pick up after the destruction. Thank Gumby for plum jam is all Im saying. I think after I survive the next two days, Im going to need some serious drowning and plum jam will be my savior.

The deadline- first two chapters of my thesis, or at least an introduction and the first official chapter. All weekend, I haven't been able to do any work on anything, my mind keeps going over certain events and I come back to this horrible realisation that we've moved on from the awkward into the nasty. Im running out of alibis' that help avoid thessy, though.

The death, that remains to be seen. Am I capable of walking away from a friend who has come to mean a bit more?

Honestly? I think, maybe its time I saved him and returned years of the same favour.

After all, isnt that what friends do.