Labels: agent152 , holiday-plans
Labels: holiday-plans , jedi , pirate
Labels: agent152 , celebration , holiday-plans
Labels: favourites , film , friends
Labels: binks , celebration , friends
Labels: counting , imagination , inspiration , writing
Most of my halloween memories come from films. What can I say, apart from the occasional trick-or-treater back in 'the hood' and now here where I be now.. Halloween is just another excuse to party that I am not utilizing this year. Next year, we dress, we treat, we trick and we cause some severe mayhem.. jailcard here I come!
This year, we check out my top 5 Halloween scenes from various flicks and bask in the glory of favourite-lists.. why? Because, this dear audience, is the only thing I could come up with..
Labels: favourites , film , halloween
Agent152 sent me this fantastic speech made by a brilliant character on critically acclaimed television show Jack&Bobby- its wonderful for all university students - thought I'd share the wisdom--
Grace McCallister's Moonlight Address to the students of Plains State University
Good evening. I want to welcome you tonight to... a renaissance.
For some of you this night marks a return to your college life, for some of you a new beginning. And so, upon the eve of the tremendous journey upon which you are all embarking, I'd like to offer you a thought to take with you. Listen carefully: you will fail here. All of you. College is not the culmination of your high school career. It is the beginning of your adult life. Only it is a slow sweet beginning that feels nothing like what life and all the attending obligations will eventually bring. So fail here... This is your chance.
Do things you know you can't do, or think you can't do but hope in your deepest most secret hidden heart that you can.
Be bad at things. Be embarrassed. Be vulnerable. Go out on a limb. Or two. Or twelve.
The harder you fall, the farther you'll rise. And the louder you fail, the clearer the distant bell of your future will ring. Failure is a gift. Welcome it. There are people who spend their lives wondering how they became the people they became, how certain chances passed them by and why they didn't take the road less traveled. Those people are not you.
You have the front-row seat to your own transformation. And in transforming yourself, you might just transform the world. Believe that, and embrace the new person you're becoming. This is your moment. Now. Not ten minutes from now, not tomorrow, really now. Know that, truly in your bones, and wake up each morning remembering it. And then keep going.
Labels: agent152 , inspiration , thessy
Labels: counting , Dean Winchester , favourites
There lingers a soft, but tangent taste of vanilla and tea leaves as soon as the cup has been moved. Each sip and slurp enlivens every last tastebud of my tongue.
Thessy begins with a blank piece of paper where several thoughts are formed in thick, black, times new roman characters. Every sentence seems wrong and somehow requiring serious improvement.
As the hot liquid coats the insides of my mouth it allows each taste bud a chance to savour the freshly sugared feel of it.
Each word has serious contemplation behind it - sometimes the words have sprung so quickly from my mind through to my fingers, there has not been a beat between the actions.
Vanilla is one of my favourite things. The scent, the taste, the aroma when it is mixed with tea, each form it comes in: tea, cream, colouring, paint, food. Never am I not biased when it is in the list.
Writing is one of my favourite things. The power of a word, of thoughts expressed well. The feel of a good sentence as it leaves your mind and forms on the page. The emotions others can invoke through the simply complicated tool of language. It is a skill some learn, others command, and few master.
While the fascination with vanilla continues, the fascination with thessy is coming to an end.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..
Labels: random rant , survival skills 101 , thessy
I think belated is a term applied, generally to those who have died. Passed on. Croaked. Left their aged and wrinkly bodies for the glory of youth and false hope? That act, you know.
Totally applies to Em from Meg Cabot's Airhead and me at the moment. Em has her brain transplanted from her dead body to the live body of a supermodel. She is technically declared dead and buried, only to look in the mirror, feel herself mentally capable but physically repulsive. Well, repulsive to only her brain that is, everyone else loves Nikki's body. Especially Stark enterprises whom she models for.
Im in a similar situation. Oh, put down the phone! I am not being transplanted to anyone's body - much to my chargrin - simply, there is far too much activity in my mind and not enough in my fingers.
She imagined progress to be a square, solid substance of metal; it flew past like the brilliant burst of breath filled bubbles one blows through a bubbler.
There are something like 5 days between me and a thesis deadline.
A few more than that between Jude's birthday and my presence at it.
Some more plus those will bring a night of boardgames.
Another one and Me and Mrs Khanna shall party.
Hopefully by the sixteenth dawn I shall be at Sam's dinner.
A moon past that and there shall be Dotter-love.
Following that a little beachparty with Chabi.
Next some graduation cake and a flight to London with agent152.
All in all, if the next five days dont leave me dejected and empty there shall be a multitude of moments to look forward too.
I insist on having a movies-you've-always-wanted-to-see night with mon and agent152 + the dotters before departure. Everything else may be left for later and after.
agent152 has promised me 500 days of summer and her favourite where the wild things are - IF i accomplish all tasks relating to thesis by monday. This may sound fair, but it really isnt.. its what I like to think of as blackmail *wink* and its working.. so no complaints!
I dont remember if agent152 was wished a loud and boistrous happy birthday on here.. so this image from me to you shall say happy 22nd with atleast 50 more [with me] to come!
And if your reading this, which you probably are, thanks for today agent152. Really, thank you - and we shall bring in christmas and 2010 with such fanfare as never before *wink*
Why is it that some people can Never be satisfied? Every little occurrence has to be of epic proportions in the screw up department.
I can think of two people who are on holidays right now - and having a simply awful time. It isn't that they don't have enough time to do everything or see places or meet new friends, its more so that they are disappointed with how things aren't going to plan.
I wish I had 5 cents for every time things didn't go to plan. I would have millions of dollars to take my own holidays with.
In my humble opinion, if you've gone away, with a mission to have fun, your One and Only aim should be to ensure you have fun. Especially considering you've spent hundreds and thousands of dollars to get to where you are, not including money to ensure you return home with great stories about how much fun it was, and all the new things you did, saw and learnt.
If your going to stay in your hotel room or wherever and have a constant whine about how boring things are, or how you aren't having any fun, how sad for you that no one will be showing you any sympathy.
Its called a holiday for a reason. You go away, get lost, get sore but come home and brag about all the fantastic things you did and saw. Its a new experience, embrace it. Not whinge about all the things you couldn't because no one would take you out and about.
Labels: holidays from hell , pet hates , survival skills 101
No more blog page name changes I do solemnly swear on this day at 6:20am AEST time.
Its like finding the comfort zone with a good cup of coffee. You don't just drink it on any old table or chair, there is always that special place where you go with the steaming mug to enjoy a some RnR.
Not that there has been any of that in my recnt past or future few days. But Im sure, we'll get there eventually.
This Buffy episode is up there in my top ten. Faith arrives, Angel returns and Trick causes chaos as usual. What's not to love?
Similarly, Ive got faith that chapter one shall be submitted today. Day. During daylight hours. There's some shred of hope left that I will get to complete that impossible list of aims below this post. And I swear, if Trick was to appear right now, Im fully equipped to deal with whatever chaos he can throw my way.
Way to challenge my karma there. Just throw out the gauntlet and let it fall, let it fall..
Not quite a whinge, more a physical note of what this week should bring, apart from hammers in my head and steam trains through my heart.
Two finished chapters
An essay
Between one and another films'
A blog post
Crumplette wages
Some warmth
and a partridge in a pear tree
Im looking forward to writing the third chapter of thessy. Its scary, almost as scary as the first is right now. I finally know what I want to say, just a matter of saying it clearly now. Ahh, structure, how you elude me.
The essay will be interesting. Something else Im looking foward to writing. It isnt about vampires. Its about freedom from oppression under the face of adversity, perhaps through adversity. Cliche a little there, yet..
Flights shall be booked this week. Officially meaning I can escape Christmas yet again. I wonder how many more I can miss before my mother puts her foot down.
Have already started planning next years' holiday. Im sure Lucifer's reserved a special set of chains and hots rods for me by now, I figure why not get a few nine inch rusty nails for my fingers while Im at it.
May just be me, but Im cold. Feels as if a chill has seeped into the tips of my fingernails and trailed its way up through my fingers into my palms, up through my forearms, past my elbows, through by body, shooting straight down to my knees, to settle in the creases of my feet, at the very tips of my toes.
The best laid plans are the ones that lead us unto temptation and misery. I wonder which end of the spectrum I shall be in come next Sunday.
Labels: survival skills 101 , thessy , writing
If only things would materialise when that word is uttered. Though if Harry Potter has taught me one thing, its that magic isn't simple either.
Kinda sucks when we are oh so human and have so many things to do and see that time just will not cooperate.
Case in point: thessy. Elusive, liminal, monster that she has become. I feel my world being consumed, my thoughts being subsumed. Overwhelmed is perhaps the right word.
Im having trouble finding the words. It isnt so hard when I write a story or tell a tale. Those are my words, to play with and set out as I wish.
Thessy has her own language, her own rules. Games aren't allowed. There is to be no play. I must be to the point. Metaphors must be explained. Adjectives are allowed within reason. The rules are strict and clear upon this.
Borders and fences were never my thing. I can cross them. Leap across them. But adhering to a boundary is not in my programming. I wasn't built that way.
Labels: being human , fallen from grace , survival skills 101
I suppose it comes from not developing better study habits as a child.
Do I blame Mother for this? Flashback. Im 7 years old, in the second grade and eager [scary child that I was] to do my homework. Something along the lines of maths mentals and basic english skill textbooks comes to mind, oh bright coloured covers how I miss thee!
Mother's input: "Great film this was, fond memories.." *sighs contently* And that dear friends, would be the end of that. I would watch the film / tv show and homework was left till the morning before when I could rush through it and still whoop serious 2nd grader butt.
Labels: being human , counting , cursed
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