Mon&Me: 10 Men from the silver screen that deserve worshipping.

10. Patrick Verona - 10 Things I Hate About You
 We love the chracter, Mon's not a Ledge fan - I dont mind him as an actor but in this film- OH boy Oh Boy! Bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks who hates the world but ends up falling hopelessy in love. How can you not love that? In Mon's opinion he looks the best when he has his hair tied back in the paint balloon scene. Doesnt give a crap bout how weird ppl think he is, he just rolls with it, that alone is so damn hot. My favs the serenade attempt on the steps - re pic. *Swoon*

9. Troy - Reality Bites
Grungy, unkept, sarcastic, intelligent, smart ass and pissed off at nothing in particlar, need i say more? Oh he has long hair. Reality does more than bite, it makes us just a little more light headed.

8. Guy Patterson - That Thing You Do

We've always had a thing for drummers lol. He's goofy, sweet and genuine and Im entirely with Mon when she expresses the desire to hug him forever! My fav part is the end when, him and Liv Tyler are at the cafe and u know they want eachother but neither say anything, she leaves then he chases after her and finally the 'big kiss' moment that every movie needs. He's so cute in this film. Sadly, this was the first and last film that he was oh, so adorable in.. it all went down hill from here on..

7. Sebastian Valmont - Cruel Intentions
He's mean, sexy and absolutely incorrigible. The bad boy who turns sweet when the right girl comes along, does this not reinstate your inner girly-girl who knows she can reform the hunky bad boy? Right on it does!

6. James Wright - That Thing Called Love
He's on Mon's list by default =p He sings, he broods and he's just damn hot. This is the only movie where he had dark hair, and its long hehehe, just adds to the whole fantasy. The first kiss scene is so hot, but he looks the best in the scene where he's just gotten out of the shower and he storms into the kitchen ( i hate to say but he is fully dressed) hair all wet and his shirt buttoned only half way, gets me everytime. He's high in almost every scene but its his last completed film so it had to make the cut lol.
Adding my 10c - I feel this picture says it all, loud and clear.

5. Jack Dawson - Titanic
Leo's on purely because most girls who grew up in the 90s [us included] wanted, required a Titanic poster to breathe at some point or another in their lives. We can admit it.. with a cringe on my part. We refer to this as part of the blonde boy phase.. c'mon, you went through it too!

4.Rick O'Connell / David Green - The Mummy + School Ties

I don't know what I'd do without Mon to share my movie loves with. We unanimously agree that Brendan Fraser was beyong beautiful and brilliant in both these movies. Drawback? He has short hair in School Ties and the whole ending up with Rachel Weisz kinda ruined it for me in the Mummy.. but he's just so damn hot. Whether in a trench coat or a 1920s hunter *swoon* outfit.. he does it for us!

3. Chase Hammond - Drive Me Crazy
So strange to think that when Mon first watched this at 14 she thought he was eww, and now she wants to bloody kick herself, what the hell was she thinking? He's bloody gorgeous in this movie, like omg. Grungy, loner (Kind of), rebel, shit stirer, sarcastic, generally not giving a shit bout anything and dark haired. 
Why cant every girl have a boy next door like him? I prefer him 'pre make-over' but he's still hot when he's in a clean shirt lol. Oh man i love when he appears at the prom at the end. That slide, that glide and the oh not so subtle 'I was hoping to cut in.' There is no man hotter that Chase for me [yours truly].. but to get to ten, we continue.

2.  Jack Tavern - Speed 
Aside from the fact that he wears a tight, white wife beater throughout the whole film, he's one guy i prefer with short hair. He's so rugged and ripped in this movie (have a look at those arms would u) that it makes u melt and silently curse Sandra Bullock. Oh and the best part...when he ends up all dirty and sweaty by the end with big tears in his shirt... Oh Lord, Have Mercy! This is entirely Mon's description, but I agree absolutely, not only that I totally appreciate the man in the Matrix, so extra brownie points from me!

1. Don Juan / Edward Scissorhands 
In the movies with the same name, Johnny Depp rocks us all over and repeat! God must have been in a very good mood when he made this man. Best part of all, he has long hair in it. Im sure u understand the whole Johnny Depp thing anyway, so no need to go on.. We rest our case and head off to watch one of the said hunks [we mean, movies] *breathe in, breathe out*


quietsuperstitions November 11, 2009 at 9:26 AM  

I love you baby, and if it's quite alright, I need you baby...yes four years of business studies, I know you love the steps scene :P I must say I am amazed you included anything Titanic on a list. WOW dude, that's so unexpected! Never let go Jack! *gigglesnort* Kudos to you both, great list.

I nearly couldn't compose a comment as I was distracted by the Johnny Depp pic. Hmmm.

Anonymous November 11, 2009 at 8:54 PM  

Ahhh I love Troy!!! I can't stand Ethan Hawke but I love him in this movie. "You have reached the winter of our discontent". In fact, I love that movie, period.