Faith, Hope & Trick

No more blog page name changes I do solemnly swear on this day at 6:20am AEST time.

Its like finding the comfort zone with a good cup of coffee. You don't just drink it on any old table or chair, there is always that special place where you go with the steaming mug to enjoy a some RnR.

Not that there has been any of that in my recnt past or future few days. But Im sure, we'll get there eventually.

This Buffy episode is up there in my top ten. Faith arrives, Angel returns and Trick causes chaos as usual. What's not to love?

Similarly, Ive got faith that chapter one shall be submitted today. Day. During daylight hours. There's some shred of hope left that I will get to complete that impossible list of aims below this post. And I swear, if Trick was to appear right now, Im fully equipped to deal with whatever chaos he can throw my way.

Way to challenge my karma there. Just throw out the gauntlet and let it fall, let it fall..

Hey, I may be a cold-blooded jelly doughnut, but my timing is impeccable.


Anonymous September 29, 2009 at 4:27 PM  

Haha, there will be blood!