Caped Crusader Twosomes

We all have them. Smallscreen couples you just can't help but love. These are my current favourite twosomes - not lovers, just friends who share well, from fluids to lines with everything in between!

10. Holmes & Watson
If you've ever read a Sherlock mystery you'll see the appeal. They share a largely detrimental relationship, where Holmes is provided with a regular 'simpleton,' much like the readers - to bounce his ideas off of. Works really well however, as Watson develops into the underdog I most certainly, was rooting for.

"By heavens, Holmes!"

9. Spike & Giles
Alrite, so maybe not necessarily a bestfriend duo, but the scenes between these two are rife with detestation, fear, threats, wit and sarcasm that I just adore! Not to mention their relationship really does progress from mortal enemies and food source to room mates and later mortal enemies again!

"You know, for someone who's got "Watcher" on his resume', you might want to cast an eye to the front door every now and again."

8. Dresden & Murphy

One of my all time favourite wizard / detective duos. Harry's a wizard and Murphy's a cop. Perfect! They bicker, they banter and like a later couple on the list they are destined to be together. What can I say? I like happy endings!

"It comes to me like the clearbeam of sunlight!"

7. Grey & Yang
Meredith and Christina have an equation similar to what I had with Anita - there is zero tolernace for bullshit and absolute refusal to be anything other than brutally honest. There are no friends quite like the ones you have at 15; so Grey and Yang constitute this for me.

"You're the messy one."
"No, no, my apartment's messy, my locker's messy, but I am not messy. Sometimes you have like food and stuff in your hair."

6. Castle & Beckett
Mystery writer with wit and a repetoire of comebakcs just waiting to be unleashed on all. Meets sexy, suave, awesome-haired female detective with her own demons - really, does it get much better than this?

"Did you know in the original Greek, 'tragedy' literally means 'goat song'? I know, doesn't make any sense to me either, but whatever that first story was, I can't help but think, bad things must have happened to that goat.."

5. Mal & Crew
Alrite, so its not exactly a twosome- but conversation with Mal is just simply.. divine! Nathan Fillion who portrays both Castle and Mal does so with so much un airbrushed wit its hard not to fall in deep lust with the man- i mean his characters. The captn of a spaceship carrying regular forms of [illegal] loot and cargo that require ingenius disguises, whats not to love?

"If anyone gets nosy, know... shoot 'em. "
"Shoot 'em?"

4. Harry Potter & Ron Weasley
Hermione shuold probably feature in this tag, however I feel the friendship between Ron and Harry deserves a special mention. All those late night chats in the dorm, the frequent life saving and yearlt tradition of battling the great evil with witty - and fearful- banter, perfect, just *sniffle perfect.

"There you go, Harry," Ron shouted over the noise. "You weren't being thick after all - you were showing moral fiber!"

3. Dean & Sam Winchester
Two HOT brothers. Hunting demons and things that go bump in the night. With predictable but humorous dialogue. Jensen Ackles. Really, do I need to elaborate further? Oh, he went to hell! Survived and came back. Sure, he had to get the guilty on for a while afterwards, but really, it was totally worth it to see him all sweaty and sexily tied up..

"So burning the body had no effect on that thing?"
"Sure it did – now it’s really pissed."

2. Merlin & Arthur

Its a century where the men are sexy, dorky and magical. Why, oh why am I in this awful period of time where the men are neither of the three? The story of Arthur and Merlin is old, we all know it on some level, this show make them the same age and turns foe into friend - cannot wait for the second season, you just know Art is not going to be impressed when he realises Merlin is oh so very much sexier with his magic then Art himself is with his sword.. although, that does have a certain appeal..

"Wow, and how long have you been training to be a pratt?"
"You can't address me like that."
"Sorry... How long have you been training to be a pratt... my Lord?"

1. Veronica Mars & Wallace Finnel
Yep, they are my most favourite caped crusaders- wel maybe not caped. But the friendship that develops after V cuts W down from the flagpole, gold. The way they are always there for one another, its just perfect and all of this is done with minimal actual speaking- they are just actions, and thats probably the best form of friendship Ive ever seen *wink*

Thanks to you, I now have the reputation of being a jock-sniffer.


Anonymous October 20, 2009 at 4:20 PM  

Love it! This reminds me of the awesome list Mia and Lily's wrote in Princess Diaries. We shall have to come up with some together as Ron and Harry at number three trouble me :)

Anonymous October 20, 2009 at 10:11 PM  

* Lily (if I can't even write properly in a comment I hate to think what my thesis sounds like) But although I LOVE this image it really is truly brilliant but please get back to Thessy :)

Anonymous October 20, 2009 at 10:13 PM  

And my first comment was even more incorrect than I originally thought. Harry and Ron are at number 4! What is going on? :)

Agent99 October 20, 2009 at 10:33 PM  

Lol HR are at 4 yes.. you need to ignore these posts and get writing!! You will give me a heart attack one day soon!